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Sales Overview Report

The sales overview report gives you a summary of your total number of bookings and revenue of each of your sales channels. You can use the it to check which of your booking channels receives the most bookings, who is your biggest re-seller and what your most booked products are.

ℹ️ This report is connected to the sales feed, found under Bookings > Sales feed.


Sales overview: Navigation

Go to Reports in the left side navigation and select Reports then Sales overview.


Sales overview: Bookings chart

There you can search for certain date ranges, both booked date and travelled date.

The first graph shows your total bookings by booked date (blue) and travelled date (black).


Sales overview: Sales segment

Below the first graph, there are two pie charts. The one to the left shows the number of bookings from each sales channel in percentage terms. The one to the right shows total revenue from each sales channel in percentage terms.


Sales overview: By count & by revenue

The next pie charts break down your bookings, first by total number of bookings and then by total revenue.

Booking channel: The channels your bookings originate from.

  • The internal channel is all bookings manually added via Book: experiences and Bookings Desk.
  • Payment links: This channel is used to send out payment links. Currently not all payment providers are supported, find out more here.
  • OTA channels: If you do use a specific channel for your GYG or Viator bookings, you might see that.
  • Bokun website: If you have a website created with our website editor, you should see the assigned channel here.
  • The rest of the channels represent the websites your bookings are originating from.

Sellers: Re-sellers are companies that sell your products via Marketplace.

Supplier: Suppliers are companies whose products you sell via Marketplace.

Product Category: The type of products being booked: Experiences, Accommodation, Car Rentals, Transport.


Sales overview: Most booked products

At the bottom of the report you have an overview of your most booked products by count and also by revenue.